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Arab/Muslim Public Opinion Polls: Public Opinion in Lebanon

Note: We are presenting raw data. When available, we provide some or all of the crosstabs (i.e., breakdowns by various categories such as party ID). To analyze the data, we encourage users to read the entire study and the methodology used. Results and reliability can be affected by such things as sample size, question wording, and question order. Responses may also be influenced by context and timing; for example, if the survey is conducted during a war.

Do you trust Hezbollah?  (Arab Barometer, 2024)

  Shiites Sunnis Christians Druze All Sects
Quite a lot or a great deal of trust 85% 9% 6% 9% 30%
No trust at all         55%






Is Hezbollah good for the Arab world? (Arab Barometer, 2024)

  Shiites Sunnis Christians Druze All Sects
Agree 78% 13% 12% 16% 33%
Disagree         42%






What is your opinion of Iran? (Arab Barometer, 2024)

  Shiites Sunnis Christians Druze All Sects
Favorable 80% 15% 15% 26% 36%



What is your opinion of the United States? (Arab Barometer, 2024)

  Shiites Sunnis Christians Druze All Sects
  2002 2024 2002 2024 2002 2024 2002 2024 2002 2024
Favorable 13% 5% 36% 25% 62% 49% 63% 32% 42% 27%