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Joint Press Conference with President Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu

(February 13, 1997)

This was the fourth meeting between the President and the Prime Minister since July 1996. Mr. Netanyahu wanted to work out a framework of understanding between Israel and the United States on how to safeguard Israels vital interests in such matters as the Golan Heights and a Palestinian settlement. The talks did focus on those issues as well as Lebanon, terror, Irans arming with non-conventional weapons and, as ever, Israels security needs. Excerpts from the press conference follow:

President Clinton: Good afternoon. I am pleased to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu back to the White House for his fourth visit since taking office. He comes at a time of great sadness in Israel, following the terrible helicopter accident of nine days ago. We know that in Israel every death is in the family. And on behalf of the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, once again I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the loved ones of the victims and to all the people of Israel.

Since our meeting in October, we have traveled a very long way. Then we met in a time of crisis. Now there is a renewed sense of promise in the Middle East. I want to congratulate the Prime Minister for concluding the Hebron agreement last month with Chairman Arafat. They have reached a milestone on the way to a secure and lasting peace. The agreement solved the immediate issue of redeployment and laid out a road map for the next steps that must be taken to fulfill existing agreements and to move ahead to the pivotal questions of the future.

Beyond the specific commitments made, the Hebron accord is important because it renewed the partnership between Israelis and Palestinians, a partnership that is essential to the success of the peace process. The United States is proud to have helped in this effort. Today the Prime Minister and I discussed what Israelis and Palestinians need to do next to strengthen this relationship that is so central to all our hopes for the Middle East. We have an opportunity to build on the new momentum coming out of last months agreement. It must not be wasted.

The release of Palestinian prisoners earlier this week was an important sign of Israels respect for past agreements and its willingness to take into account Palestinian needs. Both sides must show the same kind of determination as they seek to resolve on the basis on reciprocity the issues that remain. The challenges will be great, but the Prime Minister and Chairman Arafat have shown that the will is there.

Just as America has been by Israels side each step of the way, in the journey that lies ahead we will help Israel and its partners move forward. The achievement of Hebron is a call to action, and it must be heeded. The United States and Israel share a goal of a comprehensive settlement and a powerful belief that peace and security are indivisible.

The Prime Minister and I exchanged ideas on how to revive negotiations between Syria and Israel. I believe both nations want to conclude a peace agreement, and the United States will work with them to achieve that goal. We also believe it is important that Israel and Lebanon achieve an agreement to complete the circle of peace. We agreed on the need for increased contact and better ties between Arab states and Israel.

This will be a priority in my meetings with other Middle East leaders over the next month. Its time to reinvigorate talks that bring together Israelis, Arabs and the international community to address regional issues, such as water resources and environmental protection and to clear the way to more trade between Israel and Arab nations.

To make peace meaningful, reconciliation must deepen, and Arabs and Israelis must both harvest more of the fruits of peace. The pursuit of peace and the practice of terror are incompatible. For negotiations to succeed, there must be a climate of stability and tranquillity. For peace to endure, Arabs and Israelis must know the calm of a normal life.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and I reviewed our shared efforts to combat terror, including the two-year $100-million program I announced last year. Those funds have allowed Israel to invest in research and development for new technologies, to procure state-of-the-art security equipment, to streamline the passage of goods and people from the West Bank and Gaza. That way Israel has more security, and Palestinians have more economic opportunity.

Finally, I reaffirmed to the Prime Minister Americas unshakable determination to continue helping Israel to meet its security needs. The delivery of F-15-I fighters beginning this year will strengthen Israels air defenses against any attack. And our cooperation on theater missile defenses through early-warning systems and defensive programs like the Arrow is reducing the chance that Israelis again will fear missile attacks from distant enemies.

When Benjamin Netanyahu first visited the White House as Prime Minister, I pledged that we would preserve and strengthen the bonds between our two nations. With this meeting, we have taken another step to fulfill that promise, to deepen the partnership that has made it possible for so many extraordinary changes to occur in the Middle East since 1993, through the agreements last month, and through other things that will now be done to sustain us as we move forward toward our common dream of a comprehensive peace.

Thank you. Mr. Prime Minister, the floor is yours.

Prime Minister Netanyahu: Thank you. Mr. President, I want to thank you first for the very moving words that you expressed your sharing of our grief, and the sharing of the American people of the great sorrow of the people of Israel in our recent tragedy.

I think youve shown yourself to be a great champion of peace and an exceptional friend of Israel. And I must say that both of these attitudes were in evidence today in our discussions, discussions between friends who wish to achieve peace and security. We discussed the progress and the various tracks of peace, both with the Palestinians and, as we hope, with the Syrians.

And I found as always in my discussions with you, Mr. President, your unshakable commitment to Israels security and understanding of how security is intertwined with peace, and a desire to assist us with our Arab partners to walk on that road of peace and security. I think that the strength of the American-Israel relationship is a fundamental factor in the pursuit of peace, of a secure peace in the Middle East. And I come out of these meetings with renewed confidence in our ability to progress on that road.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Question: Mr. President, you mentioned Syria. What are the prospects for restarting peace talks with Syria? The Prime Minister was said to be bringing a territorial compromise in the Golan Heights. Did you discuss that? What can you tell us about it? Do you think it might work?

President Clinton: I would very much like to see the talks resume, and I think its an important part of continuing the process, keeping it alive, keeping the momentum going. We had an extensive discussion about the whole issue of every aspect of the peace process. But I think the only way the United States has been able to be a constructive force in this process for the last several years is not to say anything which will undermine the prospects of its success. So if Im going to follow the rule Ive followed since I first came to this job. Until we have something to say publicly, anything I comment on will only undermine the chances of peace.

I do feel encouraged by the discussions weve had, that there are things worth working on, working through. Im hopeful that we can get the Syrian track going again. But I have nothing specific to say at this time.

Question: Mr. President, I believe that you had a very lengthy private talk with Prime Minister Netanyahu. In your private conversation today, did he outline to you how does he see the future Middle East or the peace settlements in the Middle East between Israel and Syria, between Israel and the Palestinians or the Palestinian Authority? Privately, did he say anything to you about it?

President Clinton: You mean you want me to make the private talk not private anymore? The answer yes. The answer is, I believe he has thought through a way, consistent with the security of the people of Israel, that a comprehensive peace might be achieved. We all know that there are a lot of things out there that still have to be resolved. But I was impressed that its obvious that he has been thinking very hard about this and thinking about it from a security point of view and from a point of view of peace and the long-term harmony and prosperity of peoples in the region. I was encouraged by that.

Question: Mr. President, assuming that Ambassador Indyk was correctly quoted on our policy in Lebanon, and assuming that we still have a tradition of supporting territorial integrity, why are you against the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon at this time?

President Clinton: Well, I believe it is imperative that Israel maintain the security of its northern border. And, therefore, I have believed that the United States should be somewhat differential under these circumstances, which are quite unusual, as weve seen repeatedly over the last few years, in the decisions that Israel would make. And so its up to the Prime Minister to announce the policy of his country, not me, on this issue.

Question: Even to the point of occupying someone elses country?

President Clinton: (To Prime Minister Netanyahu) Do you want to make a comment on that?

Prime Minister Netanyahu: We have no desire to be in Lebanon. Were there simply because theres a desire of some people in Lebanon to be in Israel, and specifically to launch attacks against Israel.

And theyve been doing that over the years. Im talking about Hizbullah at this stage. And we have said that we would withdraw from Lebanon if we could secure our northern border. Our concern is that if we simply walked away to the border, the Hizbullah and other terrorists would just come to the fence and attack our towns and villages and our citizens from that improved position.

My view is that we can achieve an ultimate withdrawal from Lebanon if we could have somebody dismantle the Hizbullah military capacity in the south of the country and take up the slack. Preferably it should be the Lebanese army. That is something that were prepared to negotiate with the government of Lebanon and, its no secret, with Syria, that has more than a minor influence in Lebanon. That is our position. It hasnt changed.

Question: Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Iran is developing long-range missiles with Russian know-how. Is that a clear and present danger to Israel? On another count, friends of the United States, the Saudis, would get the latest technology from the United States. Will that be a danger to Israels qualitative edge?

President Clinton: Let me answer the second question first, and then Ill answer them both.

First of all, with regard to Saudi Arabia, we have had a long and very important defense partnership which persists to this day and which has contributed, I believe, to the security of Israel. We have not been asked by the Saudi government for F-16s, which I take it is the import of your question, so I will get to the specifics. Obviously, any request they would make of us we would have to seriously consider, but any decision I make about that has to be made in a way that is consistent with our first commitment, which is to do nothing that will undermine the qualitative edge of Israeli security forces in the Middle East.

Now, with regard to the second question, we are obviously concerned about Iran from many perspectives, not only from the buildup of its conventional military forces but also from the continued determination of the government to support terrorists in the region and beyond. And we are doing what we can to stem the tide of terrorism. And I will say again, we will do what we can to make sure that no development in any other country that is beyond our control or influence will be permitted to erode Israels qualitative security edge. That is our responsibility and well do our best to fulfill it.

Question: Mr. President, is it the American view that its possible to reach a settlement in Lebanon without first reaching an overall settlement with Syria? And if so, will the American government do something to seek such a solution?

President Clinton: Well, let me say I would support any reasonable efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement with Lebanon that the government of Israel thought was feasible and was willing to undertake. I think that we all know what the facts are there and we all understand. You just heard the Prime Minister talk about the problems along the border. I think we all understand it would be at least certainly a lot easier to do if there were also an agreement with Syria.

You know, we have a special feeling in this country for Lebanon and we have a lot of the sons and daughters of Lebanon who are American citizens now. And it is a particularly grievous thing for us to see the relationships between Israel and Lebanon in the position theyre in. But we have to look at this over the long run. I think that we have talked about this frankly, weve have several conversations about this. We have to do what we think is possible and Israel has to do what it thinks is possible. If it became possible to have a real and meaningful agreement, would I be for that? You bet I would. Is it now? Im not sure.

(To the Prime Minister) And you may want to

Prime Minister Netanyahu: I think you said it very well.

Question: Mr. President, do you really think that Israel and Syria can resume the peace talks in an atmosphere like we have today, when Hizbullah keeps its terror activity and the Syrian and Iranian support? And what are you going to do about it, if anything, if you are going to do anything about it?

President Clinton: Well, actually, we spend quite a lot of time trying to do something about terrorists everywhere. We invest a lot of our resources and our efforts in working with our friends in Israel and throughout the world trying to prevent terrorists from attacking and trying to track them down and punish them and extradite them and do what needs to be done when they do. So I think the United States has a more clear, unambiguous position on terrorism, whether it affects our people directly or not, than virtually any other large industrial country in the world. And I will continue to do that.

However, it has been obvious for some time to the overwhelming majority of people in Israel, which is why the Prime Minister has done what hes done and why his predecessors did what they did, that in the long run there had to be a comprehensive peace in the region to end all the violence. And I applaud him for doing that.

You know, when we seek to make peace we obviously are dealing with people with whom we have been angry, angry enough to take up arms, people with whom we have not had a relationship of trust. And that is what makes every step along the way so difficult. But I think to announce the possibility of peace is not the right course. To stand up to terrorism in every way we can is the right course.

Question: Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister, are you considering once again the question of bringing Musa Abu Marzouk to trial in Israel?

President Clinton: The answer to that question is we did not discuss it, because its a matter within the American courts. And theres nothing I can do about it, nothing the Prime Minister can do about it. Its in our courts, and we cant discuss it until its resolved in the courts.

Prime Minister Netanyahu: I can only reaffirm that.

Source: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs