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Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu and PA Chairman Arafat

(September 4, 1996)

In spite of election campaign rhetoric that he will avoid meeting Chairman Arafat unless absolutely necessary, the Prime Minister and the PA chairman held talks at the Erez checkpoint to get to know each other and to determine the format of the negotiations on Hebron and other issues. The meeting was termed by Arafat as positive and enabled them to decide which steering and monitoring committee will deal with which particular issue. At the end of the meeting they held a press conference. Text of the opening statements as well as some of the questions and answers follow:

Prime Minister Netanyahu: After my talks today here I can observe that both parties reiterate their commitment to the interim agreement and their determination to carry out its implementation. However I would like to emphasize that we have to take into account the needs and the requirements of both sides on the basis of reciprocity and the assurance of the security and well-being of both Israelis and Palestinian alike. I have heard in the Palestinian press and Palestinian quarters that my intention is to fragment, to break up the agreement. This is not true, this is not our intention. We want to advance the issues of concern to all of us and we want to do so in such ways to facilitate negotiations on the final status. I also want to make clear that our position is to not only move on the peace process but to also improve the prosperity and economic conditions of the Palestinian population. We think that prosperity and peace go hand in hand and I believe that we can advance to achieve both goals for the benefit of both peoples. Mr. Chairman please.

Chairman Yasser Arafat: First of all I would like to thank Prime Minister Mr. Netanyahu for this positive meeting which enables us to cooperate more and more and implement the agreement. I would like to emphasize here once again our commitment to pursue cooperation with Israel and our commitment to cooperate with Israel in all aspects in accordance with the agreement. This cooperation in all fields will continue irrespective of our critical differences. Our commitment for both parties is unchangeable. I believe that we and Mr. Netanyahu and his Government will work together to advance the peace process, the peace of the brave. We shall not forget it was Mr. Shamir and Mr. Netanyahu who started the peace process in Madrid. I have informed Mr. Netanyahu that our first contact to start the peace in the region was with the late Mr. Begin and the channel was through Mr. Sadat. We are determined to work with Mr. Netanyahu and with his government. I offer him in front of you my heart-full congratulations on the election choice of the Israelis of making him Prime Minister and we will work together as we did with his predecessor.

Question (Reuters): Mr. Netanyahu, you said you were committed to the implementation of the agreement, have you decided with the Palestinians or do you have any specific date for the redeployment from Hebron and for the redeployments and are you interested in real negotiating?

Prime Minister Netanyahu: I spoke of the pressures of security and the assurance of the well-being with Palestinians and with Israelis and I think these are real issues, they will be discussed as I said in the steering committees. I think I said these things in Hebrew and for your benefit I am repeating them in English.

Question: Mr. President, is there an agreement concerning the Gaza airport and the new helicopters that you received?

Chairman Arafat: First, with regard to the helicopters I have already used them but with regard to the airport in Gaza, there is a committee that is discussing the matter.

Question (NBC): Mr. President, do you see after this meeting that the stage will be set for the talks on the final status talks, away from the settlement policy of Israelis? And Mr. Prime Minister, will you continue to expand the settlements?

Chairman Arafat: There is an option for us to reactivate our negotiations at all levels, including the permanent status negotiations.

Prime Minister Netanyahu: Since the question is from NBC and you have asked me that question about five times: I was going to state this on a national broadcast but this is an international broadcast, it covers a good part of the Middle East. You know that I have answered five times, possibly six times, and now, as well, that we have our position on the question of settlements and the Palestinian Authority has its position, this is well-known and we have as you know a mechanism in the final status negotiations to discuss these differences.

Question: Mr. Prime Minister, beyond those symbolisms and the media statements, are you going to implement what had been agreed upon between the PLO and the former government? And Mr. President Arafat, how do you see the settlement issue and did you discuss this with the Prime Minister?

Prime Minister Netanyahu: I think that it has to be understood that the principle that I have been talking about, namely the principle of reciprocity, this principle is not a slogan. Its meaningful, it encompasses the basic principle by which we negotiate, sign agreements and carry out agreements. A contract is as good as its fulfillment by both sides. There are outstanding issues on the Palestinian side, and there are outstanding issues on the Israeli side. We are going to bring these issues together to the steering committees and try to resolve them, not necessarily one by one, but in packages if you will, in order to advance the process. I have said that I think that in relation to the principle of reciprocity, we must concern ourselves with the question of security and the preservation of a normal system being for both populations. Again this is not a slogan, its not a trick, if we dont do it, if security breaks down we saw already what happens, if the peace process breaks down, so the ideas or the principles that I am presenting here and not for the first time, I think are truly the safeguards of advancing peace. And I think that with these principles at mind we can advance peace and we intend to.

Question: But there is already an agreement signed between the former Israeli government and the PLO?

Prime Minister Netanyahu: That is correct.

Question: So?

Prime Minister Netanyahu: So we are going to discuss this issue in the steering committee and you are welcome to come and ask your questions after the meeting with the steering committee.

Chairman Arafat: I have nothing to add but to say that we will continue to negotiate and to coordinate in all levels by all means.

Source: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs