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Joint Statement Israel-PA on Redeployment of Forces

(August 11, 1995)

Talks with the Palestinian Authority were resumed a few days after the Ramat Gan suicide bombing and were held in Taba. On 11 August the parties were able to announce an agreement on redeployment of forces. The following statement issued by Foreign Minister Peres and PA Chairman Arafat described the principles involved in the redeployment of forces. The details were left to the Interim Agreement. The Ramat Gan bombing naturally canceled the target date of 25 July for the completion of the Interim Agreement.

In the following text, the letter P signifies the Palestinian position and the letter I the Israeli position.

The Palestinian delegation, headed by Rais Yasser Arafat and the Israeli delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, met in Taba, Egypt between 7-11 August, 1995 and agreed on some of the principles, to be elaborated in the Interim Agreement, as follows:


  1. Area B

    In Area B there will be a complete redeployment of Israeli military forces. The Palestinian Police shall assume responsibility for public order for Palestinians and shall establish [I: 25] [P: 30] police stations and posts in towns, villages and other places, as agreed. In Area B, Israel shall have the overriding responsibility for security for the purpose of protecting Israelis and confronting the threat of terrorism. While the [I: activities] [P: movement] of uniformed Palestinian Policemen in Area B, outside places where there is a Palestinian police station will be carried out after coordination and confirmation, three months after the completion of redeployment from Area B, the DCOs may decide that movement of Palestinian policemen from the police stations in Area B to Palestinian towns and villages in Area B on roads that are used only by Palestinian traffic will take place after notifying the DCO. These procedures will be reviewed within six months.


  2. Further Redeployments

    The further redeployments of Israeli military forces to specified military locations will be gradually implemented in accordance with the DOP in three intervals, every six months, after the inauguration of the Council, to be completed by [P: February] [I: July] 1997. In Area C, while Israel will transfer civil powers and responsibilities not relating to territory in the first phase of redeployment, powers and responsibilities relating to territory will be transferred gradually to Palestinian jurisdiction that will cover the West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations, during the further redeployment phases, to be completed by [P: February] [I: July] 1997.


  3. Hebron

    With regard to Hebron, both sides exchanged ideas and decided to continue the negotiations on this issue.


  4. Prisoners

    In addition to the two stages of prisoner release agreed in the context of the Ministerial Committee (one upon the signing of the interim agreement and the other - before the Palestinian elections), there will be a third stage of prisoner release. The Ministerial Committee will work out the details of this third stage.


  5. Revenues

    The Israeli side will transfer tax revenues to the Palestinian side upon the signing of the interim agreement.


  6. Joint Committee

    A joint Israeli-Palestinian-American committee will be formed to deal with:


    1. economic issues;
    2. water production; and
    3. political coordination.


  7. The Palestinian Covenant

    Two months after the inauguration of the Palestinian Council, the Palestinian Covenant will be amended in accordance with the letter of Chairman Arafat to Prime Minister Rabin, dated September 9, 1993.

Source: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs