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Yemen - Houthi Attacks Placing Pressure on International Trade
US Defense Intelligence Agency report

(June 13, 2024)

The following is a summary of a June 13, 2024, Defense Intelligence Agency report, Yemen: Houthi Attacks Placing Pressure on International Trade - 

Since November 2023, the Houthis, a non-state militant group in Yemen, have escalated attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, posing a threat to civilian crews and freedom of navigation. These attacks, which have targeted not only ships believed to be heading to Israeli ports but also those affiliated with the U.S. and its allies, have undermined regional security and global maritime trade. The economic implications are significant: container shipping through the Red Sea has declined by about 90% since December 2023, alternate routes add substantial time and cost, and insurance premiums for Red Sea transits have surged. These actions have also impeded humanitarian relief efforts for Sudan and Yemen, further exacerbating the situation.

View the full report here.


Source: “DIA Report on Houthi Attacks and Pressure on International Trade”, U.S. Naval Institute, (June 13, 2024).