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Search Results: Page 18

Photographs of Israel: The Western Wall

9 occurrences in the article

Photographs of the Western Wall in Jerusalem... read article

The Irgun: The Acre Prison Break

9 occurrences in the article

The story of how the Irgun broke members of the organization out of the seemingly impregnable prison in Acre during the British Mandate... read article

Budapest, Hungary

9 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Budapest, Hungary... read article

Ireland Virtual Jewish History Tour

9 occurrences in the article

The history of the Jewish community in Ireland and relations between Ireland and Israel... read article

Israel Environment & Nature: Environmental Protection

9 occurrences in the article

Environmental protection in Israel... read article

Hebron: History & Overview

9 occurrences in the article

The history of the city of Hebron and the Jewish connection to the city and present Jewish settlements there... read article

Sports in Israel

9 occurrences in the article

A description of some of the sports played in Israel... read article

Myths&Facts Online - Israel and Lebanon

9 occurrences in the article

“The PLO posed no real threat to Israel. When Israel attacked, the PLO had been observing a year-long cease-fire agreement.” “The PLO treated the Lebanese with dignity and respect.” “Israel was responsible for the massacre of thousands of innocent Palestinian refugees at Sabra and Shatila... read article

Argentina Virtual Jewish History Tour

9 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Argentina and the country's relations with Israel... read article

The Palestinian Authority: History & Overview

9 occurrences in the article

A history of the Palestinian Authority (PA)... read article

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Views on Government Infrastructure and Political System

9 occurrences in the article

The Palestinian Legislative Council has carried out on 21.10.2004 a reading followed by an amendment of the Women's Quota paragraph, which grants both genders 20%-quota of the seats in the local and municipal elections. Are you with or against this amendment? (Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, November 4 - 8, 2004) with 41.8% Against 35... read article

Cairo Genizah

9 occurrences in the article

Article describing the Cairo Genizah... read article

The Israel-Hamas War - Operation Iron Sword

9 occurrences in the article

On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel and massacred hundreds of Israelis, prompting Israel to declare war on Hamas - Operation Iron Sword... read article

Greek Jews Sent to Ghetto in Greece

8 occurrences in the article

CONFIDENTIALGREEK JEWS SENT TO GHETTO IN GREECEThe German "Donau Zeitung," published in Belgrade, Servia, reports that all Salonica Jews will be sent to Ghettos on the Island of Crete. They will be compelled to leave all their possessions behind them, as punishment for "making Greece fight the Axis."Source: Office of Censorship U.S.A. Record No. CH 5674, Sept. 14, 1942... read article

The Protocol of Lausanne

8 occurrences in the article

Below is the text of the Protocol signed by the Conciliation Commission and the Chairman of the Israeli delegation; an identical Protocol was signed on the same day by the Arab delegation. The "working document" referred to was the Partition map annexed to General Assembly Resolution 181(II) of 29 November 1947. The Arabs claimed that, by signing the Protocol, Israel in a manner recognised the 1947 Partition Plan. Israel held that the map was to be taken, as the text of the Protocol stated, as a, and not as the, basis for negotiations... read article

Israel's Reply to the United States

8 occurrences in the article

... read article

Joint Statement Meir-Dulles

8 occurrences in the article

... read article


8 occurrences in the article

Virtual tour of Haifa... read article

Operation Anthropoid

8 occurrences in the article

... read article

The “Consensus” Settlements

8 occurrences in the article

An article about Jewish settlements in the West Bank that most Israelis, and Palestinians, agree will be incorporated into Israel in a future peace agreement... read article