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“Maimonides ”

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Reports on Religious Freedom: Egypt

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The constitution provides for freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites, although the government places restrictions on these rights in practice. Islam is the official state religion, and the principles of Shari'a (Islamic law) are the primary sources of legislation. The status of respect for religious freedom by the government remained poor, unchanged from the previous year... read article

Virtual Jewish World: Istanbul, Turkey

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A history of the Jewish community in Istanbul, Turkey... read article

Tractate Bava Kama: Chapter 2

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Rules regulating the principle of viciousness and non-viciousness in the four principal tort-feasers enumerated in the first mishna. MISHNA I.: What tendency makes the foot to be considered vicious? 1 That of breaking (everything in its way) while walking. An animal has a tendency to cause breakage while walking in her 2 usual way... read article

Publications: "Rewriting History in Textbooks"

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For many years, publishers have been pressured to revise textbooks to better reflect multicultural values. As in the political correctness debate, in general, Jews have stayed mostly on the sidelines. The result is that distortions of Jewish history have become a feature of some of the most frequently assigned textbooks and little effort has been made to monitor or rectify the situation... read article

Egypt Virtual Jewish History Tour

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A history of the Jewish community in Egypt and Egypt's relations with Israel... read article


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Tractate Avot: Chapter 1

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MISHNA A. Moses received the Law on Sinai and delivered it to Joshua; Joshua in turn handed it down to the Elders (not to the seventy Elders of Moses' time but to the later Elders who have ruled Israel, and each of them delivered it to his successor); from the Elders it descended to the prophets (beginning with Eli and Samuel), and each of them delivered it to his successors until it reached the men of the Great Assembly. The last, named originated three maxims: "Be not hasty in judgment; Bring up many disciples; and, Erect safe guards for the Law." Tosephhta--Aboth of R. Nathan... read article


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University Statements Rejecting
Divestment and the Academic Boycott of Israel

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A collection of statements by American universities and academic bodies rejecting the boycott of Israel (BDS)... read article