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Good Medicine : Health Statistics

Life Style Indicators: Israel and USA

Israel USA
% Smokers 27% 25%
% Overweight 25% 54%
Annual Alcohol Consumption per Capita 0.9 liters 9.6 liters

Population Figures: Israel and USA

Israel USA
Average Fertility Rate 2.9 2.06
Population 65+ 9.6 13.0

Health Status Indicators: Israel and USA

Israel USA
Average Infant Mortality Rate, per 1,000 live births 6.3 7.3
Life Expectancy at Birth

Women: 79.5

Men: 75.5

Women: 79.1

Men: 73.1

Deaths from Heart Disease per 100,000 191.1 (1994) 271.2 (1997)
Deaths from Cancer 134 200.8
Deaths from CV 49 59.7

Health System Figures: Israel and USA

Israel USA
% With Health Insurance 100% 86%
National Expenditure on Health, % of GNP 8.4% 13.7%
Doctor/patient Ratio, per 100,000 461 250
Average annual visits to doctor per capita 6.8 6
Average Length of Stay in Hospital 4.4 days 7.8 days

Sources: World Bank, 1998; World Development Indicators; CBS, Statistical Abstracts of Israel 1998; National Center for Health Statistics, website; Israel Center for Disease Control, 1997, The State of Health in Israel; Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 1998, America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-being.