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Search Results: Page 1

Jewish Prayers: Prayers and Blessings

13 occurrences in the article

Tefilah: Prayer The Hebrew word for prayer is tefilah. It is derived from the root Peh-Lamed-Lamed and the word l'hitpalel, meaning to judge oneself. This surprising word origin provides insight into the purpose of Jewish prayer. The most important part of any Jewish prayer, whether it be a prayer of petition, of thanksgiving, of praise of read article

Myths & Facts: Online Exclusives Archive

7 occurrences in the article

Myths and Facts online exclusives archive from 2005-2016... read article


2 occurrences in the article

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Word Test

2 occurrences in the article

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Ancient Jewish History: The Menorah

1 occurrence in the article

One of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith is the menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple... read article

Jewish Concepts: Mitzvot

1 occurrence in the article

At the heart of halakhah is the unchangeable 613 mitzvot that name.html">G-d gave to the Jewish people in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). The word "mitzvah" means "commandment... read article

Issues in Jewish Ethics: Speech and Lashon HaRah

1 occurrence in the article

Jewish law regarding speech about others such as gossip... read article