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Myths & Facts 2023:
Chapter 2: The British Mandate Period

11 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the British Mandate period in Palestine... read article

Myths & Facts
The British Mandate Period

11 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the British Mandate period in Palestine... read article

Bukhara, Uzbekistan

11 occurrences in the article

A A history of the Jewish community in Bukhara, Uzbekistan from Encyclopedia Judaica... read article

Sites & Places in Jerusalem: The Temple Mount

11 occurrences in the article

History and description of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem... read article

Chile Virtual Jewish History Tour

11 occurrences in the article

The history of the Jewish community in Chile and the country's relations with Israel... read article

Israel Urged to Accept “Gaza Plan”

10 occurrences in the article

Memo regarding Israel's response to State Department "Gaza Plan... read article

Maritime Powers Solution to the Crisis Created by Egypts Nationalization of the Suez Canal

10 occurrences in the article

... read article

Joint Statement by King Hassan II, Foreign Minister Peres and PA Chairman Arafat

10 occurrences in the article

In view of the central role of King Hassan II in promoting peace between Israel and the Arab world, his role in arranging meetings in Morocco that led to the Sadat visit in 1977, and his ongoing interest and active involvement in the peace process, Mr. Peres and Mr. Arafat traveled to Morocco to apprise him of the state of Israel-PLO negotiations. At the conclusion of the meeting, the following joint communique was issued: The Israelis and the Palestinians, recognizing the important role of His Majesty King Hassan II in the peace process in general and the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in particular, considered it appropriate, at this stage of the process, for Mr. Yasser Arafat and Mr... read article

Broadcast to the Nation by Prime Minister Meir

10 occurrences in the article

Prime Minister Meir explains to the people that a cease-fire along the Suez Canal has been agreed upon... read article

Israel Accepts the Armistice, Reply to Acting Mediator Bunche

10 occurrences in the article

Israel offered the following compromise: it would withdraw forces sent to the Negev after 14 October; its forces in the Negev prior to that date would remain there: it was willing to enter into armistice negotiations with Egypt as soon as possible. This was deemed satisfactory by the Acting Mediator and preliminary talks were held with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation on 20 November. Text of the reply to Dr. Bunche: A... read article

Statement by Ambassador Abba Eban to the Security Council

10 occurrences in the article

As Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Eban set forth Israel's expectations and its hopes that the armistice agreements would lead to peace. Excerpts from his statement follow: The Government of Israel gave immediate and wholehearted support to the resolution adopted by the Security Council on 16 November 1948, calling for "negotiations ..... read article

Statement by Dr. Bunche to the Security Council

10 occurrences in the article

This elaborated and explained the nature of the armistice agreements, in the following terms: I have very little to add in elaboration of the statements set forth in my report of 26 July 1949 to the Security Council contained in document S/1357. I am fully at the disposal of the Security Council, however, for such additional information or views as its members may require of me, but I think that a few remarks in clarification of my report might prove useful at this stage... read article

Tracing the History of Tel Aviv Through its Street Names

10 occurrences in the article

the streets of Tel Aviv are named for politicians, poets, heroes and heroines... read article

The Golan Heights

10 occurrences in the article


  • Military Importance
  • War in the Heights
  • Life in the Golan Area
  • The Banyas Spring
  • Mount Hermon
  • The Upper Galilee
  • Overview The Golan Heights rise from 400 to 1700 feet in the northeastern section of the country. Israel's highest mountain, Mt. Hermon, is located here... read article

    Virtual Jewish World: Kraków, Poland

    10 occurrences in the article

    ... read article

    Jewish Legion

    10 occurrences in the article

    Article about the Jewish Legion, volunteers who fought in the British army in World War I for the liberation of the land of Israel from Turkish rule... read article

    Japan Virtual Jewish History Tour

    10 occurrences in the article

    A history of the Jewish community of Japan and relations between Israel and Japan... read article

    Myths & Facts

    10 occurrences in the article

    article blockquote { margin:16px 40px!important; } Chapter 11: Treatment of Jews in the Arab World - “Arabs cannot possibly be anti-Semitic as they are themselves Semites.” - “Modern Arab nations are only anti-Israel and have never been anti-Jewish.” - “Jews who lived in Islamic countries were well-treated by the Arabs.” - “As ‘People of the Book,’ Jews and Christians are protected under Islamic law... read article

    Israel Health & Medicine: General Overview

    10 occurrences in the article

    An overview of health and wellness in Israel... read article

    The Druze in Israel: History & Overview

    10 occurrences in the article

    History and overview of the Israeli Druze community... read article