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Iran Virtual Jewish History Tour

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Myths & Facts
The 1956 Suez War and the 1967 Six-Day War

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Myths and facts regarding the 1956 Suez War and the 1967 Six-Day War... read article

Myths & Facts 2023:
Chapter 4: The 1956 Suez War and the 1967 Six-Day War

10 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the 1956 Suez War and the 1967 Six-Day War... read article

Views on Israel of U.S. Presidential Candidates 2020:
Cory Booker

10 occurrences in the article

Biography of Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker with his positions on Israel and the Middle East... read article

Myths & Facts
Israel and Lebanon

10 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding Israel's relations and wars with Lebanon... read article

Virtual Jewish World: Prague, Czech Republic 

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A history of the Jewish community in Prague, Czech Republic... read article

Israel-Palestinian Negotiations: History & Overview

10 occurrences in the article

Article discusses the history of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations... read article

U.S.-Israel Relations: A Special Alliance

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This article examines the various elements of the U.S.-Israel relationship and why it is so strong and enduring... read article

Syria Virtual Jewish History Tour

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Memo Asserts President Confident In Hard Line Toward Israel

9 occurrences in the article

Memo regarding meeting with Truman on Israeli response to his letter... read article

Israel's Position on the Wye Memorandum

9 occurrences in the article

In order to clarify Israel's position on the implementation of the Wye River Memorandum, the Prime Minister's media adviser issued a clarification of Israel's demands before it would fulfill the next stage of the agreement. Text: In the wake of various reports regarding the implementation of the Wye agreement, the Prime Minister's Media Advisor, today (Tuesday), 22.12.98, wishes to clarify that Israel will carry out the next (second) stage of the agreement only when the Palestinian Authority fulfills all of the commitments it signed on to in the Wye agreement... read article

Trilateral Statement Regarding the Camp David Summit

9 occurrences in the article

A statement by all three parties regarding the peace talks at Camp David... read article

"United States Opposes Spite Diversion Projects", Letter by Assistant Secretary of State Frederick G. Dutton to Senator Kenneth B. Keating,

9 occurrences in the article

Department of State, Washington, June 17, 1964. Hon. Kenneth Keating, U.S. Senate. Dear Senator Keating: Thank you for your letter of I June in which you request clarification of certain points made in the Department's letter of 25 May. You asked specifically whether we regard Israel's present water diversion program as consistent with the 1955 unified plan... read article

Pre-State Israel: Photographs from 1929 Arab Riots

9 occurrences in the article

Photographs of Hebron in the 1920s and following the 1929 Arab riots... read article

Prime Minister Ben-Gurion Statement to the Knesset

9 occurrences in the article

On the adoption of Resolution 303 (IV), the Knesset met in Tel Aviv to hear the Prime Minister. He proposed, and the Knesset concurred, that the Knesset move its seat to Jerusalem and that all Government offices, save for the Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs, be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as well... read article

Statement to the Security Council by Ambassador Eban on Syrian Incursions

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Remarks by Prime Minister Rabin at the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

9 occurrences in the article

In the course of an official visit to Germany as a guest of Chancellor Kohl, Mr. Rabin used the opportunity of a visit to the Sachsenhausen Nazi concentration camp to call on Germany to condemn and suppress any attempt of the neo-Nazis in that country to raise their heads. Germany must act resolutely against the rise of this phenomenon. In his talks with the German leaders, Mr... read article

Nasser Terminates the Cease-Fire

9 occurrences in the article

After a lull on the Suez Canal front, the Egyptians opened a heavy artillery barrage along the entire length of the Canal on 8 March 1969, in a well-planned and premeditated offensive. The War of Attrition had entered a new phase. The Egyptian army called the shelling of the Israeli positions "active preventive defence". Following are excerpts from two statements by read article

Government of Israel statement following second Arab summit conference

9 occurrences in the article

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Broadcast to the Nation by Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, on the Sabbath

9 occurrences in the article

The Arab invasion had begun and Israel had already lodged a complaint with the Security Council. Something unique occurred yesterday in Israel, and only future generations will be able to evaluate the full historical significance of the event. It is now up to all of us, acting out of a sense of Jewish fraternity, to devote every ounce of our strength to building and defending the State of Israel, which still faces a titanic political and military struggle. Now is not the time for boasting... read article