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Concluding Statement of the Cairo Summit

13 occurrences in the article

Following the Beit Lid attack, a summit conference was held in Cairo with the PM of Israel, the king of Jordan, Egypt's president and the PLO chairman... read article

Israel's Position on the Middle East Arms Race - Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Eshkol

13 occurrences in the article

On 9 May 1964, Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev arrived in Cairo on a fortnight's State visit. In the course of it, he indulged in verbal attacks on Israel and promised Egypt to satisfy its requests for arms. On 20 May 1964, in a reply to a question in the Knesset, Prime Minister read article

The Answer to the Arab Boycott; Excerpts from an Article by Deputy Prime Minister Eban

13 occurrences in the article

"Arab hostility has many aspects. In the sphere of international relations it aims at preventing Israel from maintaining friendly and normal relations with the nations of the world. In the economic sphere it strives to block the trade channels that connect Israel with a hundred countries all over the face of the globe. "Those who are conducting the boycott have not achieved and will not achieve their aim. Israel, as a trading country, is expanding and variegating her import and export ties in all continents and oceans... read article

Report to the Provisional Government by Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Ben-Gurion on the military and political situation

13 occurrences in the article

With the truce operative for some days, the Provisional Government continued its discussion of the political and military situation. Excerpts from a report by Mr. Ben-Gurion follow: We have three objectives: Security, a Jewish State, and a pact between the Jews and the Arabs. Our goal must be not only the achievement of the first two, but eventually of the third as well. A pact between Jews and Arabs would, I believe, guarantee the fulfilment of Zionist aspirations and cause a revolutionary change in the Arab world. In any case, it would be extremely important for us... read article

Report to the Provisional Government by Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ben-Gurion on the Military and Political Situation

13 occurrences in the article

With the truce operative for some days, the Provisional Government continued its discussion of the political and military situation. Excerpts from a report by Mr. Ben-Gurion follow: We have three objectives: Security, a Jewish State, and a pact between the Jews and the Arabs. Our goal must be not only the achievement of the first two, but eventually of the third as well. A pact between Jews and Arabs would, I believe, guarantee the fulfilment of Zionist aspirations and cause a revolutionary change in the Arab world... read article

Myths & Facts
The War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War

13 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War... read article

Myths & Facts Online - The War of Attrition, 1967-1970

13 occurrences in the article

“The Palestinians were willing to negotiate a settlement after the Six-Day War.” “After the 1967 war, Israel refused to negotiate a settlement with the Arabs.” “According to Security Council Resolution 242, Israel’s acquisition of territory through the 1967 war is ’inadmissible.’” “Resolution 242 requires Israel to return to its pre-1967 boundaries... read article

Myths & Facts Online - Settlements

13 occurrences in the article

“Israel has no right to be in the West Bank. Israeli settlements are illegal.” “Settlements are an obstacle to peace.” “The Geneva Convention prohibits the construction of Jewish settlements in occupied territories.” “Israel is provocatively settling Jews in predominantly Arab towns, and has established so many facts on the ground territorial compromise is no longer possible... read article

Poland Virtual Jewish History Tour

13 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Poland and the country's relations with Israel... read article

The Working of the Boycott; Economic Brief

12 occurrences in the article

Arab League countries periodically met to review their activities and draw lip plans for making them more effective. In June 1971, such a meeting was held in Damascus, and the blacklist regulations were revised: The following major types of activities, however, are cause for companies being placed under sanction: 

  • participating in an Israeli company;
  • granting an Israeli company technical assistance or know-how; -operating a branch plant or factory in Israel;
  • operating in Israel a general office for the rest of the read article

    Government decision on National Priorities in Judea and Samaria

    12 occurrences in the article

    The decision rescinded a previous decision of the Rabin government when it reinstated social and economic parity between the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and other developing areas of Israel. The government held that this resolution was fully consistent with the Oslo agreements which did not restrict or prohibited establishment or expansion of Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The decision did not call for the establishment of new settlements or change Israels policy on private land requisition... read article

    International Regime for Jerusalem, General Assembly Resolution 303 (IV)

    12 occurrences in the article

    In spite of the vehement opposition of Israel and Jordan, the General Assembly restated its aim that Jerusalem be placed under a permanent international regime, and the Trusteeship Council was called upon to prepare a Statute for the city. The Resolution was adopted by 38 votes in favour, 14 against, 7 abstentions, Most of the Catholic, Moslem and Communist States voted for, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Guatemala, Iceland, Israel, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Yugoslavia voted against... read article

    Broadcast to the Nation by Prime Minister Eshkol

    12 occurrences in the article

    ... read article

    Jordan disregards armistice agreement obligations, letter from Ambassador Eban to Secretary-General Hammarskjold

    12 occurrences in the article

    As early as 1950, Israel complained to the Security Council that Jordan was consistently evading the implementation of Article VIII of the armistice agreement. After more than one futile attempt to change Jordan's attitude, Israel decided to invoke Article VIII and asked the Secretary-General to convoke a conference of representatives of the two parties. 1... read article

    Admission of Failure, Report of the Palestine Conciliation Commission to the Sixth Session of the General Assembly

    12 occurrences in the article

    By late 1951 the Palestine Conciliation Commission admitted failure to carry out its mandate. The concluding paragraphs of its report to the General Assembly follow. G. Conclusions  79. In its work during the past year - and indeed during the three years of its existence - the Conciliation Commission has been unable to make substantial progress in the task given to it by the General Assembly of assisting the parties to the Palestine dispute towards a final settlement of all questions outstanding between them. 80... read article

    Jerusalem Facing the Danger of Destruction, Statement to the Security Council

    12 occurrences in the article

    In March 1948, Jerusalem came under siege. Arab irregulars blocked the only highway leading to the city from the West. Shooting became a daily occurrence. There was already a shortage of food and water in the Jewish sections of the city, while the British Administration stood idly by. In the Security Council, Moshe Sharett, Head of the Jewish Agency's Political Department, appealed to the United Nations to save the city from destruction... read article

    Government Press Office list of PLO violations of the Oslo Agreement

    12 occurrences in the article

    The following list delineated the most glaring violations of the Oslo Agreement by the PLO. This was an attempt to refute charges that Israel was not abiding by the very same agreement. The ten items included the rioting after the opening the tunnel in Jerusalem, as well as incitement to violence, failure to amend the PLO covenant, to extradite terrorists to Israel and to confiscate illegal weapons in the territories, as well as the opening of a PLO office in Jerusalem. Text: The following list delineates 10 of the most egregious PLO violations of the Oslo Accords. The list is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive; rather, its focus is on infractions Israel deems most serious. 1... read article

    Palestinian Authority: Palestinian Maps Omitting Israel

    12 occurrences in the article

    A selection of maps distributed by the Palestinian Authority which omit Israel and replace it with Palestine... read article

    Israel Environment & Nature: Environmental Issues

    12 occurrences in the article

    A page detailing the environmental issues Israel deals with and how they are solving problems of pollution, conservation, etc..... read article

    Jews in Islamic Countries: Yemen

    12 occurrences in the article

    A history of the Jewish community in Yemen... read article