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Greece Virtual Jewish History Tour

19 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Greece... read article

Mexico Virtual Jewish History Tour

19 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Mexico and relations between Israel and Mexico... read article

Human Rights: Human Trafficking in the Middle East

18 occurrences in the article

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Israel Claims Jerusalem, Address by President Weizmann in Jerusalem

18 occurrences in the article

On 1 December 1948, the President of Israel's Provisional State Council, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, visited Jerusalem and addressed the city's Advisory Council. He emphasised that it was inconceivable that the Jewish city could be placed under foreign rule. Here are his words: It is with a sense of humility and sorrow that I rise to speak here among you who have suffered so much and wrought so much during this great and tragic year. Jerusalem holds a unique place in the heart of every Jew... read article

Statement to the Knesset by PM Golda Meir

18 occurrences in the article

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Statements by Representatives of the Maritime Powers on the Suez Canal Blockade

18 occurrences in the article

In the course of the Security Council debate, a majority of delegates supported the Israeli case on the basis of the 1888 Constantinople Convention - and an interpretation of the 1949 Israel-Egypt armistice agreement... read article

Israel's Complaint to the Security Council Concerning Interference by Egypt with Shipping to the Israeli Port of Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba, S/3168, Add. 1

18 occurrences in the article

Israel complained to the Security Council against the naval blockade imposed by Egypt in the Straits of Tiran giving ingress to the Gulf of Aqaba and Eilat... read article

Operation Protective Edge: War Crimes

18 occurrences in the article

Article regarding possible war crimes committed by Hamas during Israel's military Operation Protective Edge to stop rocket fire from the Gaza Strip... read article

United Kingdom Virtual Jewish History Tour

18 occurrences in the article

Article about the history of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom and the relationship between the UK and Israel... read article

AJC Surveys of American Jewish Opinion

18 occurrences in the article

Aggregation of American Jewish Committee polls on American Jewish opinion... read article

Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu and PA Chairman Arafat

17 occurrences in the article

In spite of election campaign rhetoric that he will avoid meeting Chairman Arafat unless absolutely necessary, the Prime Minister and the PA chairman held talks at the Erez checkpoint to get to know each other and to determine the format of the negotiations on Hebron and other issues. The meeting was termed by Arafat as positive and enabled them to decide which steering and monitoring committee will deal with which particular issue. At the end of the meeting they held a press conference... read article

Statement by the Prime Minister on the Palestinian Issue

17 occurrences in the article

In the course of an address to the Secretariat of the Israel Labour Party, the Prime Minister put forward her views in respect of the Palestinians and the Palestinian entity: We Israelis make no pretensions of determining whether there is or is not a "Palestinian entity." This decision is the privilege of the Arabs themselves... read article

India Virtual Jewish History Tour

17 occurrences in the article

Article on the history of the Jewish community in India and India's relations with Israel... read article

Adolf Hitler

17 occurrences in the article

A biography of German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler... read article

The Role of Jewish Defense Organizations in Palestine

17 occurrences in the article

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Joint Israel-Palestinian Statement Regarding the Taba Talks

16 occurrences in the article

Israel could not make any agreement with the PA as it was too close to an election... read article

Letter from Secretary-General Trygve Lie to the Powers on the situation in Palestine

16 occurrences in the article

Writing in his book In the Cause of Peace (New York, 1954), Mr. Trygve Lie said: "The invasion of Palestine by the Arab States was the first armed aggression which the world had seen since the end of the war. The United Nations could not permit such aggression to succeed and at the same time survive as an influential force for peaceful settlement, collective security and meaningful international law" (p. 174)... read article

Israel-Palestinian Joint Communique, Taba

16 occurrences in the article

Under the Oslo II agreement, both sides were committed to start the negotiations for the permanent status in early May 1996, the target date for completion was May 1999. In spite of the election campaign then in its final phases in Israel, the government of Israel decided to start the talks even symbolically. This was done in Taba, under the sponsorship of President Mubarak... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir (June 29, 1970)

16 occurrences in the article

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Statement by President Clinton at the Sharm el-Sheikh Conference

16 occurrences in the article

The American president told Palestinian terrorists that their day has passed. In his address to the Summit of the Peacemakers, the American president spoke of the need to continue the peace process and not allow terror to scuttle the hopes of the people in the Middle East. Text: Thank you very much, President Mubarak. Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Heads of State, Heads of Government, Foreign Ministers and Mr. Secretary General. I'd like to begin by thanking President Mubarak for his extraordinary efforts in the last few days to convene this meeting, to host us here and to make us feel welcome... read article