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Statement by Prime Minister Meir on the Interim Agreement

16 occurrences in the article

Secretary Rogers' speech to the General Assembly outlined a number of points which Israel felt ought to be negotiated between itself and Egypt. It was also felt that the Secretary had thus limited Israel's freedom in negotiations. In reply to correspondents' questions following Secretary Rogers'speech, the Prime Minister made the following statement: We are still studying Secretary Rogers' speech, as well as the import of his talk with Foreign Minister Eban... read article

Israel's position on its frontiers, statement to the Knesset by Foreign Minister Sharett

16 occurrences in the article

The second part of his statement to the Knesset dwelt on the position taken by Israel at Lausanne on the territorial issue, and the third part dealt with the Arab refugees (see Section VI, Document 2). The second part and the concluding paragraphs of the address follow: As far as the state of business at Lausanne is concerned, it is difficult to say that things there are moving slowly. To be exact, they appear not to be moving at all, but are in a state of complete stagnation... read article

Myths & Facts
Borders and Boundaries

16 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the borders and boundaries of Israel... read article

Jerusalem: The Old City

16 occurrences in the article

A tour of sites and the history of the Old City of Jerusalem... read article

Hamas: Background & Overview

16 occurrences in the article

Article discussing the history and current activities of The Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas... read article

Annual Report of the Director of UNRWA to the United Nations General Assembly

15 occurrences in the article

... read article

Israel Protests to the Security Council on the Seizure of the Israeli Ship Bat Galim and its Confiscation

15 occurrences in the article

Egypt ignored Security Council Resolution S/2322 and persisted in interfering with Israel-bound shipping in the Suez Canal. On 28 September 1954, the Israeli freighter Bat Galim, bound from Eritrea to Haifa, was detained in the Canal, its crew arrested, its cargo confiscated Egypt charged that the crew fired on Egyptian fishermen at the entrance to the Canal. The same day, Israel protested in a Note to the Security Council... read article

The Arab Reaction

15 occurrences in the article

Immediately after the adoption of Resolution 181 (II), Arab delegates declared their opposition to partition and their determination to fight it by force if necessary. Below are several of their declarations: H. R. H. Amir Faisal al Saud (Saudi Arabia) We came to the General Assembly filled with hope that both the large and small nations would direct their efforts towards the elevation of moral standards... read article

Israel's Complaint to the Security Council on the Suez Canal Blockade, S/2241

15 occurrences in the article

In the summer of 1951, Israel protested to the Security Council against the Suez Canal blockade which was contrary to the armistice agreement, the 1888 Constantinople Convention, and based, according to Egypt, on the continuing state of war between Egypt and Israel... read article

Aide-memoire from Secretary of State Dulles to Ambassador Eban

15 occurrences in the article

... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Foreign Minister Eban on Israel's foreign relations

15 occurrences in the article

Abba Eban presented the budget estimates of his Ministry to the Knesset and this afforded him an occasion to present a review of Israel's foreign policy... read article

Oslo Agreement Photographs

15 occurrences in the article

Collection of photographs from the signing of the Oslo 2 agreements in Washington, D.C. September 28, 1995... read article

Hungary Virtual Jewish History Tour

15 occurrences in the article

The history of Jews in Hungary, their experience during the Holocaust and Hungarian-Israel relations... read article

West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon Security Barriers:
Background & Overview

15 occurrences in the article

Article describing Israel's security barriers to prevent terror attacks from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Lebanon and issues related to their construction... read article

Myths and Facts
Israeli Settlements

15 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding Israeli settlements... read article

Bulgaria Virtual Jewish History Tour

15 occurrences in the article

The history of the Jewish community in Bulgaria and Bulgaria's relations with Israel... read article

U.S. Presidents & Israel: Quotes About Jewish Homeland & Israel

15 occurrences in the article

Selected quotations by U.S. presidents related to the Jewish Homeland and Israel... read article

Israeli Response to Truman Letter Regarding Territory, Refugees

14 occurrences in the article

Response of Israeli government to letter from President Truman regarding the 1948 war, territory and refugees... read article

Soviet Involvement in the War of Attrition

14 occurrences in the article

In March 1970 the Soviet Union began to install in Egypt SA-3 missile batteries manned by Soviet personnel. In April it became known that Soviet pilots were flying operational missions from air bases in Egypt. On 29 April the Israel Government issued the following statement: In the Soviet involvement in the Middle East there has been a grave development. In recent days it has become clear to the Government of Israel beyond any doubt that for the first time Soviet pilots are flying operational missions from military installations under their control in Egypt... read article

Israel's Relations with the Vatican. Official Communiqué Following the Audience Granted Prime Minister Meir by Pope Paul VI, and Excerpts from a Statement in the Knesset by Foreign Minister Eban:

14 occurrences in the article

Pope Paul VI had visited Holy Places in Israel and the West Bank in January 1964 and had been received by the President of Israel at Megiddo, and seen off in Jerusalem. After the Six-Day War, the Vatican had mentioned its interest in the internationalisation of Jerusalem, but went on negotiating with Israel concerning the Christian Holy Places... read article