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Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir, (March 16, 1971)

14 occurrences in the article

Further explanations and elucidation of Israel's policy was given in a statement by the Prime Minister to the Knesset on 16 March. She outlined the Government's concept of defensible, agreed and recognized boundaries. Her statement followed an interview which she had given to the London Times: Israel wholeheartedly desires a lasting peace between itself and its neighbours... read article

Statement to the Ad Hoc Political Committee by the British Colonial Secretary, Arthur Creech-Jones

14 occurrences in the article

The UNSCOP recommendations were placed on the agenda of the second regular session of the General Assembly which met in New York in September 1947 It was first dealt with by the Ad Hoc Political Committee. On 26 September, Mr. Creech-Jones addressed the Committee: Mr. Creech-Jones (United Kingdom) recalled that his Government was in a special position, inasmuch as the United Kingdom, as the mandatory power, was administering Palestine... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Ben-Gurion

14 occurrences in the article

In November 1949, the General Assembly's Political Committee began to discuss the problem of Jerusalem. It soon became apparent that prospects were mounting that a Resolution reiterating the need to internationalise Jerusalem would be adopted. On the eve of the final round of speeches and voting, Israel's Prime Minister addressed the Knesset and warned of the consequences of the establishment of all international regime for Jerusalem. His address was unanimously endorsed by the Knesset... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Eshkol

14 occurrences in the article

... read article

Statement of 136 Jewish Organizations on Boycott, Divestment
and Sanctions (BDS) Campaigns Against Israel

14 occurrences in the article

Statement of Jewish Organizations opposing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaigns Against Israel... read article

The Six-Day War: The Liberation of the Temple Mount and Western Wall

14 occurrences in the article

Click here to listen to the historic live Hebrew broadcast on Voice of Israel Radio, June 7, 1967, of the liberation of the Temple Mount and Western Wall by Israel Defense Forces.. This is Mordechai Twersky reporting from Jerusalem : What you are now about to hear is perhaps one of the most riveting recordings in the modern-day history of Israel . I refer to the dramatic sounds of Israeli Defense Forces entering and liberating Jerusalem ’s Old City and the Western Wall on June 7th, 1967 ... read article

Turkey Virtual Jewish History Tour

14 occurrences in the article

... read article

Paris, France

14 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Paris, France... read article

United Nations Member States Voting Records
Voting Coincidence with the United States

14 occurrences in the article

Record showing United Nations member states voting coincidence with the United States on General Assembly resolutions and those that are Israel-related... read article

Myths & Facts 2023:
Chapter 3: Partition and the War of 1948

14 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the partition of Palestine and the war of 1948... read article

Myths & Facts
Partition and the War of 1948

14 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the partition of Palestine and the war of 1948... read article

Russia Virtual Jewish History Tour

14 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Russia and relations with Israel... read article

Report on Human Rights Practices for 2005 - Syria

14 occurrences in the article

Syria, with a population of approximately 18 million, is a republic under the authoritarian presidential regime of Bashar al-Asad. The president, with counsel from a small circle of security advisors, his ministers, and senior members of the ruling Ba'ath Party, makes key decisions regarding foreign policy, national security, internal politics, and the economy. An unopposed referendum in July 2000 confirmed President al-Asad for a seven-year term. The president appoints vice presidents, the prime minister, deputy prime ministers, and the cabinet, or Council of Ministers... read article

American Polls: Attitudes Toward the Peace Process

14 occurrences in the article

Collection of data from polls related to American public opinion on the Middle East peace process... read article

State Reassures Jordan King on U.S. Interests

13 occurrences in the article

Memo telling diplomats to reassure king of Transjordan about U.S. policy... read article

Jerusalem Declared Israel-Occupied City, Government Proclamation

13 occurrences in the article

From March until June 1948, Jerusalem was besieged by Arab irregulars and the Jordanian Arab Legion from the north, west and east; Egyptian troops attempted to break through from the southern approaches. The Old City fell on 28 May. In June, at the cost of many casualties, Israel finally succeeded in re-establishing a link with the city and lifted the siege... read article

Statement by Prime Minister Rabin following his meeting with PA Chairman Arafat

13 occurrences in the article

The PM met with Arafat to clarify Israel's position on key issues... read article

Shavli Ghetto: Photos from 1941-1944

13 occurrences in the article

Photos depicting life in the Shavli ghetto in Lithuania... read article

William Lowry Collection of Ebensee Liberation Photos

13 occurrences in the article

Photos taken by William Lowry in May 1945, during the liberation of the Ebensee concentration camp in Austria... read article

U.S. Coordinating Position with British

13 occurrences in the article

Memo regarding discussions with Bevin regarding water, territories and arms... read article