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Summary of the Report on the Mashal Affair

49 occurrences in the article

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Cease-Fire Understanding in Lebanon, and Remarks by Prime Minister Peres and Secretary of State Christopher

49 occurrences in the article

By 26 April 1996, Secretary of State Christopher was able to bring about an understanding between Israel, Lebanon and Syria that effectively ended Operation "Grapes of Wrath". It banned any attack on Israel by armed groups from Lebanon. Israel will not fire at civilians or civilian targets in Lebanon. A monitoring group consisting of the U.S., France, Israel, Syria and Lebanon was established to monitor the application of the understandings. In an explanatory letter to Mr... read article

The Second Bulganin-Ben-Gurion Exchange of Letters

49 occurrences in the article

On 15 November, Premier Bulganin addressed a second Note to Prime Minister BenGurion, in reply to the latter's Note to him of 8 November. Bulganin demanded the immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from Egyptian territory, return of Egyptian property and compensation for war damages. On 17 November, the Prime Minister of Israel replied to the Soviet Premier giving in detail the reasons which led to the Sinai war: Mr. Prime Minister:   I have received your letter of 8 November... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir, (May 30, 1974)

48 occurrences in the article

Having given its consent to the separation-of-forces agreement with Syria, the Government of Israel placed the proposed agreement before the Knesset. In her statement, the Prime Minister explained the reasons for this agreement, its advantages and the expectations of Israel from it. Following the Premier's address and a debate, the Knesset approved the agreement by 76 votes in favour and 36 against... read article

Remarks by President Clinton to the Palestinian National Council and Other Palestinian Organizations

48 occurrences in the article

  The President addressed the PNC and other Palestinian Organizations as agreed upon in the Wye River Memorandum. After the speech, the PNC voted by a show of hands almost unanimously to reaffirm its cancellation of the offending articles of the 1968 Palestinian Covenant that called for the destruction or non-acceptance of Israel. The President had landed early that day in the newly-opened Gaza International Airport, and later addressed a luncheon in which he said, "For the first time in history, the Palestinian people have the chance to determine their own destiny on their own land... read article

Press Conference with Prime Minister Peres and President Clinton

48 occurrences in the article

The focus of attention was the struggle against terror and the future of the peace process. The American president offered his total support for Israel in its efforts to stem terror. He called on Yasser Arafat to do his utmost to fight terror in the areas under his control. The president announced that Israel would get 100 million dollars in additional aid as well as American assistance in anti-terror equipment and training. Other topics dealt with were Syria's failure to attend the Sharm el-Sheikh summit and the tension between the United States and some European nations on the policy to be pursued vis-a-vis Iran, the latter being the source of much of the Islamic terror worldwide... read article

Myths & Facts

48 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding Palestinian and Jewish refugees... read article

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Views on the Media

48 occurrences in the article

  Total (7/01) Total (12/01) West Bank (7/01) West Bank (12/01) Gaza Strip (7/01) Gaza Strip (12/01) 35... read article

King Hussein's Federal Plan, Broadcast on Amman Radio

47 occurrences in the article

In two campaigns, King Hussein was able to crush the terrorist organizations which had threatened his regime. In the Summer of 1971, a number of Palestinian terrorists, fleeing from the Jordanian army gave themselves up to Israeli forces in the Jordan Valley... read article

Remarks and Joint Press Conference by President Clinton and Prime Minister Barak at the White House

46 occurrences in the article

The PM met with President Clinton in hope of achieving a comprehensive framework for a Middle East peace within 15 months... read article

Central Prison Jerusalem

46 occurrences in the article

Article and photographs from the central prison in Jerusalem used during the mandate by the British to incarcerate members of the Jewish underground... read article

Museums in Israel: Underground Prisoners Museum

46 occurrences in the article

Article and photographs from the central prison in Jerusalem used during the mandate by the British to incarcerate members of the Jewish underground... read article

Joint Press Conference with President Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu

45 occurrences in the article

This was the fourth meeting between the President and the Prime Minister since July 1996. Mr. Netanyahu wanted to work out a framework of understanding between Israel and the United States on how to safeguard Israels vital interests in such matters as the Golan Heights and a Palestinian settlement. The talks did focus on those issues as well as Lebanon, terror, Irans arming with non-conventional weapons and, as ever, Israels security needs. Excerpts from the press conference follow: President Clinton: Good afternoon. I am pleased to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu back to the White House for his fourth visit since taking office... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, (February 21, 1957)

45 occurrences in the article

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PM Ben-Gurion Statement to the Knesset Regarding Future Israel-Egypt Relations

44 occurrences in the article

Following the end of fighting in Sinai, the PM reviewed the conflict and proposed a seven-point plan of future relations between Israel and Egypt... read article

Statement to the Elected Assembly of Palestine Jewry by Mr. David Ben-Gurion

44 occurrences in the article

As Dr. Silver addressed the Ad Hoc Political Committee in New York, Mr. Ben-Gurion, Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency, addressed the Elected Assembly of Palestine Jewry in Jerusalem. Text of his address follows: Political developments have swept us on to a momentous parting of the ways - from Mandate to independence... read article

Israel Committed to Peace - Address to the General Assembly by Foreign Minister Golda Meir

44 occurrences in the article

A solemn appeal to the Arab States to seek peace. It dealt with the problems of peace, security, Arab refugees and the future of the Middle East... read article

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Views on Government Infrastructure and Political System

44 occurrences in the article

How do evaluate the performance of Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas? (Bir Zeit, August 2003)   Total % West Bank % Gaza Strip % Good 26.5 25.4 28... read article

Egyptian Decree Regarding Navigation in the Suez Canal

43 occurrences in the article

In May 1948, as Egyptian forces were invading Palestine, the Egyptian Government established a maritime blockade against Israel-bound shipping. Ships suspected of sailing to Israel were detained and searched, goods bound for Israel or suspected of being destined for Israel were confiscated Shipmasters had to produce a guarantee that their ships would not call in Israeli ports. This practice was in defiance of the Israel-Egypt armistice agreement and its interpretation by Dr. Ralph Bunche dated 26 July 1949 (see read article

Statement to the Trusteeship Council by Ambassador Eban

43 occurrences in the article

The Trusteeship Council was charged by General Assembly Resolution 303(IV) to draw up a Statute for Jerusalem, In January 1950, its president proposed that Jerusalem be made a corpus separatum under a permanent international regime. Jordan announced its opposition to any plan of internationalisation and its refusal to discuss any such scheme... read article