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Letter from Dr. Bunche to the President of the Security Council, S/1357

35 occurrences in the article

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Myths & Facts

35 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding Middle East terrorism... read article

Prime Minister Ben-Gurion Statement to the Knesset Regarding the Tripartite Arab Pact

34 occurrences in the article

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Israel Objects to the Security Council Approach, Statement to the Security Council by Ambassador Eban

34 occurrences in the article

In the discussion on the Resolution, Ambassador Eban criticised the partial and unconstructive spirit of the proposal. Excerpts: My Government cannot conceal its unhappy sentiment that Wednesday's meeting of the Security Council [546th meeting] and all that has followed from it was a turning point for ill in relation to the prospects of an equitable peace; that it has marked a retrogression from an atmosphere of agreement to an atmosphere of controversy, from impartiality to bias; and that it has encouraged in read article

Hamas: General Principles and Policies (Annotated)

34 occurrences in the article

A new statement of General Principles and Policies issued by Hamas in 2017... read article

Statement to the Israeli People by Prime Minister Barak

33 occurrences in the article

The PM's address to the people of Israel after a Palestinian Uprising in which several people died and which questioned Israel's right to exist... read article

Myths & Facts
Israel’s Roots

33 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Jewish connection to their homeland... read article

Westerbork Transit Camp: Transport List

33 occurrences in the article

A list of people who were on transports from the Westerbork concentration camp... read article

Auschwitz-Birkenau Photographs: Auschwitz Camp "Facilities"

31 occurrences in the article

Auschwitz barbed-wire fences (postwar photo) View of the entrance to the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I), bearing the motto “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work makes one free) View of the kitchen barracks, the electrified fence, and the gate at the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I)... read article

Statements Clarifying the Meaning of Resolution 242

31 occurrences in the article

Even before the beginning of the Jarring Mission (see below), the Arab States insisted that Security Council Resolution 242 called for a total withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied in the Six-Day War. Israel held that the withdrawal phrase in the Resolution was not meant to refer to a total withdrawal... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Sharett on the Ma'aleh Akrabim incident

31 occurrences in the article

On 17 March 1954, an Israeli passenger bus travelling from Eilat to Tel Aviv was ambushed at Scorpion Pass in the Negev by an armed Arab gang. Eleven persons were killed. In the ensuing Mixed Armistice Commission investigation, the Chairman abstained from casting his vote, and thus the Commission failed to find Jordan guilty. Israel withdrew from the Commission. A week later the read article

Concentration Camp Photos: Berga am Elster

30 occurrences in the article

Photographs from the Berga concentration camp... read article

Statement to the Security Council by Ambassador Eban on the Gaza Incident

30 occurrences in the article

In the first two months of 1955, there were 27 incursions from the Gaza Strip into Israel. After an Egyptian raid deep into Israel territory, the Israel Defence Forces retaliated on 28 February, in an attack on military installations in Gaza. In his address to the Security Council Ambassador Eban explained the background for the operation and dwelt at length on the nature of Egyptian belligerency. Excerpts: 1... read article

Press Conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu

30 occurrences in the article

The Prime Minister described the summit held in the White House and spoke of getting to know Arafat better. He also discussed the resumption of the Hebron talks and praised the role of the American president in moving the talks along. Text: Prime Minister Netanyahu: I want to first thank President Clinton for his timely and dedicated effort in the cause of peace. I cannot say and no one can say what would have happened in these two days had Mr. Arafat and myself not come here to Washington. And I think that we can say that very, very bad things didnt happen while we were here seeking to create a new start... read article

Myths & Facts: Deutsch

29 occurrences in the article

Behauptungen und Tatsachen: Wichtige Schlüsseldokumente ·        Das Gaza-Jericho-Abkommen (4... read article

Statements by Representatives of the Maritime Powers at the United Nations on Freedom of Navigation

29 occurrences in the article

Representatives from the various nations gave their countries opinion on the Egyptian blockade... read article

Press Conference with King Hussein of Jordan and Prime Minister Netanyahu

29 occurrences in the article

In an unprecedented act, King Hussein traveled to Israel and visited all the families of the Israeli junior high school students who were killed on 13 March, during the period of mourning in their homes in Beit Shemesh. Following a meeting in Jerusalem, the two leaders addressed a press conference. The King was asked about a letter he had written to the Prime Minister complaining about Israeli actions. That letter was leaked to the press. The Prime Minister referred in his answers to the ongoing negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority on various issues, including the Gaza Airport. He discussed with both Arafat and King Hussein new ideas to advance peace... read article

Myths & Facts
The Media

29 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding media coverage of Israel and the Middle East... read article

Palestinian International Terrorism Support
Prevention Act of 2019 Text (H.R. 1850)

29 occurrences in the article

Text of the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2019 (H.R. 1850)... read article

Joint Statement by Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan and Prime Minister Netanyahu

28 occurrences in the article

A statement meant to place the relationship between Jordan and Israel back on track after the Mashal Affair... read article