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Address by Prime Minister Netanyahu to AIPAC's 39th Conference- Washington

28 occurrences in the article

The thrust of the address was Israel's security concerns in view of the disturbances that took place on the West Bank in early May. Prime Minister Netanyahu also stressed Israel's compliance with previous commitments entered into in the Hebron accords, while the Palestinians had failed to keep their part of the agreement. He was not opposed to Palestinian self-determination, but said it must not be unbridled. Excerpts: Only last week, there were bloody riots in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem and Gaza, and again, they resulted in the tragic loss of life... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Eshkol, (December 31, 1968)

28 occurrences in the article

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Myths & Facts Online - Human Rights in Israel and the Territories

28 occurrences in the article

“Israel discriminates against its Arab citizens.” “Israeli Arabs are barred from buying land.” “Israeli Arabs are discriminated against in employment.” “Israel uses administrative detention to imprison peaceful Arabs without trial.” “Arabs held in Israeli jails are tortured, beaten and killed.” “Israel's treatment of Palestinians is similar to the treatment of blacks in apartheid South Africa... read article

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Views on Refugees, Settlements, and other Controversial Issues

28 occurrences in the article

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Truman Letter to Ben-Gurion Expresses Displeasure Regarding Territory, Refugees

27 occurrences in the article

Letter from President Truman to David Ben-Gurion regarding territory captured in fighting and refugees... read article

Address to the Knesset by Prime Minister Rabin on Jerusalem

27 occurrences in the article

The Knesset celebrated Jerusalem Day with a special session devoted to marking the 28th anniversary of the reunification of Israel's capital city. The prime minister spoke mainly of Jerusalem as a unifying element in Israel, of the broad consensus that exists on the future of the city and not on differences of opinions regarding Jerusalem. Text: Giora Ashkenazi was 31 years old at his death. I did not know him. All I know about him comes from a few lines in the "Yizkor" (memorial) book. Giora Ashkenazi, born on Kibbutz Nir David in the Beit Shean Valley, was father to a daughter. He had dreams. Giora fell 2-3 kilometers from here, in the battle for Jerusalem, 28 years ago... read article

United Nations Economic Survey Mission for the Middle East, Final Report

27 occurrences in the article

When the talks in Lausanne failed, the Palestine Conciliation Commission established, on 23 August 1949, the Economic Survey Mission headed by Gordon R. Clapp, Director of the Tennessee Valley Authority. In all interim report the Mission recommended a programme of' public works to employ Palestinian refugees... read article

Synagogues of the World: The United Kingdom

27 occurrences in the article

Photos and description of synagogues in the United Kingdom... read article

Palestine Conciliation Commission, Nineteenth Progress Report, Addendum, the Joseph E. Jonhson Mission

27 occurrences in the article

Another effort was made by the United Nations to find a way out of the impasse into which the Arab refugee question had sunk. The Palestine Conciliation Commission appointed Dr. Joseph E. Jonhson, President of the Carnegie Foundation, to explore means of seeking progress on this issue. Following are excerpts from his initial report: III. Findings and Conclusions A. Underlying Considerations 39... read article

The UN Relationship with Israel

27 occurrences in the article

Article about the United Nations and issues related to Israel... read article

UNTSO Reports on Outbreak of Hostilities

26 occurrences in the article

At 1:50 pm. Egyptian and Syrian armies launched a sudden surprise attack. On the Syrian front, 40,000 soldiers supported by 850 tanks broke into the Golan Heights while Syrian jets bombed Israeli settlements in the Huleh Valley. Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal under cover of artillery and tank fire, while Egyptian airplanes bombed Israeli installations in Sinai. read article

Adolf Hitler: Life in Photographs

26 occurrences in the article

Photographs of Adolf Hitler... read article

Press Conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu on the Hebron Accord

26 occurrences in the article

Before the signing of the Hebron agreement, the Prime Minister explained in a press conference the key elements of the emerging agreement. Although it was not yet approved by the cabinet, the Prime Minister explained the nature of the American position regarding future redeployments. The main point was that Israeli security interests will be maintained. He said that on the matter of future redeployment there will be no negotiations with the Palestinians. He hoped to start the final status negotiations within two months. Text: Question: My question is, Mr. Prime Minister, Id like you to put this in a historic context. This is the first agreement between the Likud and the PLO... read article

Free Passage Through the Suez Canal, Statement by Foreign Minister Golda Meir to the Knesset

26 occurrences in the article

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Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir, (October 16, 1972)

26 occurrences in the article

On 5 September 1972, eleven Israeli athletes, members of the Israeli team to the Olympic games held in Munich, were assassinated by Arab terrorists. This act of murder was a climax in a series of horrendous acts perpetrated by Arab terrorists. On 16 October, the Prime Minister reported to the Knesset the results of the investigation of the security measures taken for the protection of the Israeli team. She then went on to say: I do not intend to cover in read article

The United Nations Emergency Force, Report by Secretary General Waldheim

25 occurrences in the article

1. The present report is submitted in pursuance of Security Council resolution 340 (1973) of 25 October 1973 in which the Council, among other things, decided to set up immediately a United Nations Emergency Force under its authority and requested the Secretary-General to report within 24 hours on the steps taken to this effect. The terms of reference are: 2... read article

Israel-EU Trade Agreement to be Signed

25 occurrences in the article

On 20 November 1995, Acting Prime Minister Peres traveled to Brussels to sign the Treaty of Association between Israel and the European Union. This was the culmination of years of negotiations designed to improve Israel's economic position vis-a-vis its main trading partner - the nations comprising the European Union. The following communique explains the nature of the agreement, its components and the many areas of future cooperation. The agreement was subject to ratification by the individual parliaments of member states... read article

Bibliography & Bookstore: Israel & the Middle East

25 occurrences in the article

List of books about Israel & the Middle East... read article

Germany Virtual Jewish History Tour

25 occurrences in the article

A description of the history of Jews in Germany and relations between Germany and Israel... read article

Myths & Facts: Deutsch

25 occurrences in the article

Behauptungen und Tatsachen: Die Flüchtlinge Behauptungen "Von 1947 bis 1949 wurden eine Million Palästinenser von den Israelis heimatlos gemacht... read article