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Reich Association of the Jews

Tenth Regulation to the Reich Citizenship Law

July 4, 1939

Pursuant to § 3 of the Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935 (Reichsgesetzbl. I, p. 1146), the following Order is made:


Article I

Reichsvereinigung der Juden*

§ 1

1) The Jews will be organized in a Reichsvereinigung.

2) The Reichsvereinigung is a legally recognized Association. Its name is "Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland," and it is located in Berlin.

3) The Reichsvereinigung will use the Jewish Communities as [its] local branches.

§ 2

1) The purpose of the Reichsvereinigung is to further the emigration of the Jews.

2) The Reichsvereinigung is also

a) Responsible for the Jewish school system;

b) Responsible for the independent Jewish welfare system.

3) The Reich Minister of the Interior is authorized to transfer further responsibilities to the Reichsvereinigung.

§ 3

1) All Jewish Subjects of the State as well as stateless Jews resident in the area of the Reich, or who normally live there, belong to the Reichsvereinigung.

2) In a mixed marriage the Jewish spouse is a member only if

a) the husband is the Jewish spouse and there are no progeny

from the marriage, or

b) if the progeny are considered Jews.

3) Jews of foreign nationality and those maintaining a mixed marriage, who are not already members under section 2), may join the Reichsvereinigung voluntarily.

§ 4

The Reichsvereinigung is subject to the supervision of the Reich Minister of the Interior; its statutes require his approval.

§ 5

1) The Reich Minister of the Interior may disband Jewish Associations, Organizations, and Institutions or order them to be incorporated in the Reichsvereinigung.

2) In the event of disbandment the rules of Civil Law will apply... After the liquidation has been completed the funds of the disbanded Jewish organizations will be transferred to the Reichsvereinigung.

3) In the event of incorporation the property of the Jewish organizations concerned will be transferred to the Reichsvereinigung. There will be no liquidation in this case. The Reichsvereinigung will be fully liable with its entire property for the obligations of the incorporated organizations.

4) The Reich Minister of the Interior may revoke or amend statutes and decisions of Jewish Associations, Organizations, and Institutions, where they contain regulations not in accordance with the above Orders on the disposal of funds....

Article II

Jewish School System

§ 6

1) The Reichsvereinigung is obligated to provide schooling for Jews.

2) To this end the Reichsvereinigung will establish the required number of primary schools and maintain them. In addition it may maintain intermediate and high schools, as well as professional and technical schools and other schools or courses intended to assist the emigration of the Jews.

3) The Reichsvereinigung is responsible for the training and higher training of teachers at the schools which it maintains.

4) The schools maintained by the Reichsvereinigung are considered to be private schools.

§ 7

Jews may attend only the schools maintained by the Reichsvereinigung. They are obligated to attend these schools in accordance with the general regulations on compulsory education.

§ 8

1) Existing public and private Jewish schools and...other Jewish educational establishments will be disbanded if the Reichsvereinigung fails to incorporate them by a date to be set by the Reich Minister for Science, Education and Popular Instruction.

2) The property of Jews which had been used for Jewish educational establishments is to be ceded on request to the Reichsvereinigung in return for suitable compensation.

§ 9

Teachers at Jewish schools who have Civil Service status will be retired as of June 30, 1939. They are obligated to accept employment at a Jewish school offered to them by the Reichsvereinigung....

§ 10

The Regulations made in Reich and Laender Law concerning the education of Jews, in particular the admission of Jews to schools, the establishment and maintenance of public Jewish schools, as well as the provision of public funds for the purpose of instruction in the Jewish Religion are revoked.

§ 11

The Jewish school system is subject to the supervision of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and Popular Instruction.

Article III

Jewish Social Welfare

§ 12

The Reichsvereinigung as the body responsible for Jewish independent Welfare is assist adequately Jews in need in accordance with its means, so that Public Welfare is not called upon. It is required to provide institutions intended solely for the use of Jews who are in need of institutional care.

Article IV

Final General Regulations

§ 13

No compensation will be provided for disadvantages occasioned by this regulation.

§ 14

1) The Reich Minister of the Interior will promulgate the Provisions required to carry out this Regulation.

2) Where the Jewish School System is concerned the Provisions will be made by the Reich Minister for Science, Education and Popular Instruction in coordination with the Reich Minister of the Interior....

Berlin, July 4, 1939

Reich Minister of the Interior – Frick

Deputy to the Fuehrer – R. Hoess

Reich Minister for Science, Education and Popular Instruction  Rust

Reich Minister for Church Affairs – Kerrl


* Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland – Reich Association of the Jews in Germany.

Yad Vashem