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Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir. (June 9, 1971)

89 occurrences in the article

Two major events took place in the Middle East in May 1971. Secretary of State Rogers visited the region, and a Soviet-Egyptian treaty was signed in Cairo on 27 May. In the talks he held in Jerusalem, Secretary Rogers discussed again the idea of a separate agreement for the re-opening of the Suez Canal and its linkage to a general Israel-Egypt peace agreement... read article

Address to the Knesset by Prime Minister Rabin on the Israel-Palestinian Interim Agreement

88 occurrences in the article

Seeking Knesset approval for the Interim Agreement, Prime Minister Rabin proclaimed the Knesset ratification as a vote of confidence in the government. After explaining in detail the main points of the agreement, Mr. Rabin expressed his vision of the permanent solution. It will include united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty, the country's security border will be on the River Jordan, there will be no return to the 4 June 1967 lines and new blocs of settlements will be built in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip. He spoke of the coming elections to the Palestinian Council, the IDF's re-deployment and the creation of three zones in the territories... read article

Statement by Prime Minister Eshkol to the Knesset (November 11, 1968)

83 occurrences in the article

The winter session of the Knesset was opened with a review of the political and military situation by the Prime Minister. Mention was made of the growing wave of terrorist activities carried out by Palestinian organizations based, mostly, in Jordan and Lebanon. The Premier also described the evolution of Israel's policy since the Six Day War: Mr. Speaker, Members of the Knesset: A few months after the Six-Day War came to an end, I surveyed our position in this house. In those days, just a year ago, we were concerned, in the final analysis, with one subject alone: the struggle for peace. We have tried every way and resorted to every expedient in order to achieve peace... read article

Statements in the Security Council by Ambassador Eban on the Kinneret Incident

81 occurrences in the article

After heavy artillery fire on Israeli villages and fishermen on 10 December, Israel launched, on the following night, a major raid causing many Syrian casualties. Both Israel and Syria lodged complaints with the Security Council. Excerpts from Ambassador Eban's addresses follow:   Speech of 16 December: 98. The clash of forces on the shores and borders of Lake read article

Myths & Facts
The Iranian Threat

81 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the Iranian threat to Israel and the Middle East... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir, (July 26, 1972)

79 occurrences in the article

In early July 1972, President Sadat decided to expel most of the Soviet advisers and technicians serving in Egypt. The departure of the Soviet personnel took place forthwith. In a statement to the Knesset, the Prime Minister appealed to President Sadat to open negotiations with Israel, in the wake of the great changes which had taken place in Egypt... read article

Persons Marrying, by Age and Sex

77 occurrences in the article

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Foreign Ministry Background Paper on Lebanon

76 occurrences in the article

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The Jarring Initiative and the Response

76 occurrences in the article

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Egypt Virtual Jewish History Tour

75 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in Egypt and Egypt's relations with Israel... read article

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Views on Government Infrastructure and Political System

75 occurrences in the article

In General, What is the extent of your optimism towards the Palestinian Future? Would you say you are optimistic, somewhat optimistic, or pessimistic? read article

Karl Emil Franz Fiebinger

73 occurrences in the article

Born in Vienna, Austria, January 20, 1913, Fiebinger attended the Technische... read article

The Nine-Point Peace Plan, statement to the General Assembly by Foreign Minister Eban

72 occurrences in the article

After reviewing the many Israeli proposals submitted to Egypt and Jordan through Ambassador Jarring, Foreign Minister Eban noted that there had been no specific and positive response from either Government. He then proclaimed nine principles which Israel considered essential for peace in the Middle East. Excerpts: Mr. President, my Government has decided to give the members of the read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir, (October 26, 1971)

70 occurrences in the article

Further explanation of the Israeli view on the interim agreement was contained in the following foreign policy statement by the Prime Minister: Upon the opening of the winter term, I deem it advisable to review before the Knesset a number of international developments relating to the central issues in our international affairs. It will be recalled that, in response to the Egyptian President's statement, I announced in the read article

Myths and Facts
The Middle East Peace Process

70 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the Middle East peace process involving Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arab states... read article

Myths & Facts: Deutsch

69 occurrences in the article

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Myths & Facts Online - The Palestinian War, 2000-2005

68 occurrences in the article

“The Palestinian War, dubbed by Arabs the ‘al-Aqsa intifada,’ was provoked by Ariel Sharon’s September 2000 visit to the Temple Mount. ” “A handful of Israelis have been murdered in the war while thousands of innocent Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops.” “Violence is an understandable and legitimate reaction to Israel’s policies.” “Israel created Hamas.” “The Palestinian Authority arrests terrorists and confiscates illegal weapons... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Eshkol, (October 17, 1966)

67 occurrences in the article

At the opening meeting of the Winter session of the Knesset, the Prime Minister made it his special purpose to call upon Syria to halt its anti-Israel actions and upon the Arab States to come to terms with Israel. He charged read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir on the Interim Agreement

67 occurrences in the article

In the course of 1969 and 1970, and in view of the deadlock in the Jarring mission and the War of Attrition, new ideas were considered in Israel and the United States about the possibility of an interim agreement which would make possible the re-opening of the Suez Canal. On 4 February 1971, President Sadat announced that Egypt was willing to consider the idea... read article

Myths & Facts: Deutsch

67 occurrences in the article

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