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Myths & Facts: Deutsch

67 occurrences in the article

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World War II: OSS Operations End With Agents' Executions in Mauthausen

66 occurrences in the article

Article about OSS missions to send agents behind enemy lines and the capture of the American agents and execution by Germans... read article

Report of the Neeman Committee on Conversion Proposals

65 occurrences in the article

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The Jarring Mission, First Phase, Excerpts from Report by Secretary General U Thant, S/10070

65 occurrences in the article

Security Council Resolution 242 of 22 November 1967 called upon the SecretaryGeneral to appoint a special representative to proceed to the Middle East and help to promote agreement and assist efforts to achieve a peaceful and accepted settlement based on the provisions of Resolution 242. Dr. Gunnar Jarring, Sweden's Ambassador to the Soviet Union, a country which had broken off its diplomatic relations with Israel, was appointed, retaining his ambassadorial assignment to Moscow. In early 1968, he arrived in the Middle East and met with the leaders of Israel and of the Arab States. Israel saw his mission as that of bringing the parties together for talks... read article

Statement and Press Conference by President Clinton Regarding the Camp David Summit

65 occurrences in the article

The Camp David Summit resulted in failure and in a statement President Clinton blamed Arafat for this... read article

Myths&Facts Online - The Peace Process

65 occurrences in the article

“Anwar Sadat deserves all of the credit for the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty.” “Egypt made all the concessions for peace.” “The Palestinian question is the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict.” “If the Palestinian problem was solved, the Middle East would be at peace.” “Israel’s opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state is the cause of the present conflict... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Peres on Operation "Grapes of Wrath"

64 occurrences in the article

On the tenth day of the campaign, the prime minister described to the Knesset the reasons that led to the operation and the results achieved to date. He said that Hizballah, supported by Iran, Libya and Iraq were determined to wreck the peace process. Hizballah, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad were the arms of this terrorist campaign against Israel and against peace... read article

Marcus Bloom

63 occurrences in the article

Early Life Marcus Reginald  Bloom was born in Tottenham, North London, on 24th September 1907, into an orthodox Jewish home, [2] the second of  four  brothers (Alex, Marcus, Bernard and Jenice) [3]... read article

Address by Prime Minister Netanyahu to a joint session of the U.S. Congress

62 occurrences in the article

The Prime Minister told the American legislators that real peace must be based on three pillars. The first is security, which meant the constant struggle against terror wherever it exists. The second pillar is reciprocity and mutual fulfillment of agreements, and the third is the strengthening of democracy. Since Israel was the only democracy in the Middle East, the United States must support it. He also called for a concerted international effort to prevent Iraq and Iran from arming themselves with non-conventional weapons. He also announced that Israel would begin the long-term process of gradually reducing the level of American economic aid... read article

Israel Seven-Year Plan, from "Data and Plans", submitted to the Jerusalem Conference

60 occurrences in the article

In 1952, Israeli and foreign experts proposed the first national water plan, which called for the utilization of the Jordan waters, in a framework of an integrated plan for the use of all available water resources in the country. The plan was approved by the Government in late 1952 and submitted to the Jerusalem Conference on Israel's economic development in October 1953. Excerpts follow: (1) The Necessity for Irrigation The two most important basic raw materials in the State of Israel are soil and water... read article

Myths & Facts: Deutsch

60 occurrences in the article

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The Story of a Blockade, Statement to the Security Council by Ambassador Eban

59 occurrences in the article

Statement to the Security Council by Ambassador Eban on the Egyptian Blockade... read article

Israel Studies An Anthology : The Peace Process

57 occurrences in the article

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Presentation of the Jewish case by representatives of the Jewish Agency

55 occurrences in the article

Dr. Abba Hillel Silver spoke in the Ad Hoc Political Committee on 2 October 1947, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former President of the World Zionist Organisation, on 18 October. Statement by Dr. Silver, 2 October 1947: Dr... read article

Myths & Facts Online - The United Nations

54 occurrences in the article

“The United Nations plays a constructive role in Middle East affairs. Its record of fairness and balance makes it an ideal forum for settling the Arab-Israeli dispute.” “The Palestinians have been denied a voice at the UN.” “Israel enjoys the same rights as any other member of the United Nations... read article

Government Statement on Payment of Damages Caused to Churches and to Church Property in Wars since 1948

53 occurrences in the article

Shortly after the hostilities ended, the municipality of Jerusalem, with the support of the Government of Israel, started the repairs of those churches damaged in the fighting of 1948 and 1967. In September 1968, the Government authorized payments for the purpose. Details of the Government's statement follow. The Government of Israel has reached amicable accord with fourteen Churches and Religious Orders concerning the payment of compensation for war damage sustained by some 31 church properties in both East and West Jerusalem... read article

Synagogues of the World: Germany

52 occurrences in the article

Photographs of synagogues in Germany, including those destroyed by the Nazis... read article

Press conference with President Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu

51 occurrences in the article

Both leaders reiterated their commitment to the peace process and their determination to continue the negotiations. The president expressed his continued support for the maintenance of Israels security and its military qualitative edge. He also discussed with the Prime Minister the struggle against terror, talks with Syria and the talks concerning the Hebron redeployment. The Prime Minister said he was ready to continue talks on Hebron but stressed that security came first. On the issue of settlements, the president said this point has to be handled with care. Mr... read article

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration: Roosevelt Meets King Saud at Bitter Lake

50 occurrences in the article

During the 1940s, America’s Arab “allies” were angered by what they viewed as President Franklin Roosevelt’s pro-Zionist policies... read article

Jewish Population in Greece

49 occurrences in the article

RESTRICTED JEWISH POPULATION IN GREECEInternational Press Agency, 5.1.43. It is reported from Athens that the number of Jews in Greece totals 100,000 or 1.5% of the population. In Greece proper (Peloponnese and Thessaly) the number of Jews is small. In Athens there are 2,000, on Corfu 3,500 and on Crete 600. The majority of Jews live in southern Macedonia, and out of the total population of 250,000 in Salonica, there are 70,000 Jews... read article