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Myths & Facts Jerusalem

224 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding Jerusalem... read article

Addresses at the Opening Meeting of the Geneva Peace Conference

223 occurrences in the article

The Peace Conference on the Middle East opened at Geneva on 21 December. Syria refused to attend. Opening statements were made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the Soviet Union, Israel, Egypt and Jordan. Complete texts of these addresses follow: read article

Report on Human Rights Practices for 2005 - Lebanon

214 occurrences in the article

Lebanon is a parliamentary republic of 4.5 million citizens in which the president is a Maronite Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim, and the speaker of the chamber of deputies a Shi'a Muslim.President Emile Lahoud was elected in 1998 and his term was due to expire in November 2004; however, in September 2004, the Syrian regime pressured parliamentarians to pass a constitutional amendment that extended President Lahoud's term until November 2007... read article

Word Test

200 occurrences in the article

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Myths & Facts
Delegitimization of Israel

192 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts concerning the delegitimization of Israel... read article

The Jarring Mission, phase II, report to the Security Council by Secretary-General U. Thant

188 occurrences in the article

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Israel-Egypt Armistice Agreement

184 occurrences in the article

On 6 January 1949, Dr. Bunche announced that Egypt had finally, consented to start talks with Israel on an armistice. The talks began on the island of Rhodes on 12 January, and, shortly after their commencement, Israel agreed to the release of a besieged Egyptian brigade in Faluja. At the end of the month, the talks foundered. Israel demanded that Egypt withdraw all its forces from the former area of Palestine, Egypt insisted that Arab forces withdraw to the positions which they held on 14 October 1948, as under Security Council Resolution S/1070 of 4 November 1948... read article

Campus Divestment Resolutions in the USA

180 occurrences in the article

Data on anti-Semitic boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns on U.S. college campuses with results of votes on divestment resolutions... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Golda Meir (May 26, 1970)

158 occurrences in the article

PM Meir's statement to the Knesset on Soviet intervention in Egypt and Egypt's aggression... read article

American Public Opinion Polls: Opinion Towards Terrorism

155 occurrences in the article

Poll data regarding American attitudes toward terrorism... read article

Congressional Findings Regarding Saudi Involvement in 9/11 Attacks

154 occurrences in the article

Previously classified section of congressional investigation regarding Saudi involvement in the 9/11 terror attacks... read article

Myths & Facts

143 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts about the Arab-Israeli conflict that do not appear in the printed edition and are exclusively available online... read article

Israel Studies An Anthology : Between Basic Norms and Basic Laws: Human Rights and the Supreme Court in Israel

142 occurrences in the article

... read article

Israel Studies An Anthology : The United States and Israel: 1948-2008

133 occurrences in the article

Introduction: The Two Paradigms Unlike most alliances, which are exclusively patterned on a single cluster of quintessential strategic factors, the American-Israeli alliance always incorporated two different dimensions... read article

Blue-Print for Peace, statement to the Ad Hoc Political Committee of the United Nations by Ambassador Eban

125 occurrences in the article

Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations outlined in a comprehensive address before the Ad Hoc Political Committee of the General Assembly a plan of progress towards peace between Israel and the Arab States. Text. The problem before this Committee has now been considered by the General Assembly of the United Nations in eight consecutive sessions. Public controversy between Israel and the Arab States is fast becoming a tradition of international life... read article

Israel Government White Paper Regarding Palestinian Non-Compliance with their Commitments and Agreements

113 occurrences in the article

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Report on Human Rights Practices for 2005 - Kuwait

112 occurrences in the article

Kuwait is a constitutional, hereditary emirate ruled by the al-Sabah family, which governs in consultation with prominent families and the elected National Assembly. The 1962 constitution grants the emir executive and legislative authority and permits dissolution of the elected National Assembly by decree. Kuwait has a population of 2.9 million residents, approximately 970 thousand of whom are citizens. During the July 2003 parliamentary elections, the electorate consisted of approximately 143 thousand male citizens, and there were no political parties... read article

Myths & Facts Online - U.S. Middle East Policy

108 occurrences in the article

“The creation of Israel resulted solely from U.S. pressure.” “The United States favored Israel over the Arabs in 1948 because of the pressures of the Jewish lobby.” “The United States and Israel have nothing in common.” “Most Americans oppose a close U.S. relationship with Israel.” “U.S. policy has always been hostile toward the Arabs... read article

Myths & Facts Online - Jerusalem

104 occurrences in the article

“Jerusalem is an Arab City.” “The Temple Mount has always been a Muslim holy place and Judaism has no connection to the site.” “Jerusalem need not be the capital of Israel.” “Unlike the Jews, the Arabs were willing to accept the internationalization of Jerusalem.” “Internationalization is the best solution to resolve the conflicting claims over Jerusalem.” “From 1948 through 1967, Jordan ensured freedom of worship for all religions in Jerusalem.” “Jordan safeguarded Jewish holy places... read article

Myths & Facts: Deutsch

100 occurrences in the article

Behauptungen und Tatsachen: Inhalt Vorwart 1. Israels Wurzeln 2... read article