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Report on Human Rights Practices for 2005 - United Arab Emirates

22 occurrences in the article

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven semi-autonomous emirates, with an estimated resident population of 4.5 million, of which only 21 percent are citizens. The seven emirate rulers constitute the Federal Supreme Council, the highest legislative and executive body. The Council selects a president and vice president from its membership; the president, in turn, appoints the prime minister and cabinet. In November 2004 the Council selected Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, Ruler of Abu Dhabi Emirate, as head of state for a five-year term... read article

Iran: Nuclear History

22 occurrences in the article

History of Iran's nuclear weapons program... read article

Myths & Facts Online - Arab/Muslim Attitudes Toward Israel

21 occurrences in the article

The desire for peaceful relations between Jews and Arabs sometimes leads people to overlook public comments by Arab officials and media publications that are often incendiary and sometimes outright anti-Semitic. Frequently, more moderate tones are adopted when speaking to Western audiences, but more accurate and heartfelt views are expressed in Arabic to the speaker’s constituents. The following is just a tiny sample of some of the remarks that have been made regarding Israel and the Jews... read article

Israel Studies An Anthology : National Government Institutions

21 occurrences in the article

Introduction Israel is a representative parliamentary democracy with a multi-party system. Its national government institutions are made up of the Knesset (legislative branch), the government (executive branch) and the court system (the judiciary)... read article

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Attitudes on War in Iraq

21 occurrences in the article

... read article

France Virtual Jewish History Tour

21 occurrences in the article

A history of the Jewish community in France and the country's relations with Israel... read article

Agreement for the Demilitarization of Mount Scopus Area

20 occurrences in the article

To preserve the Hebrew University campus, the National Jewish Library and the Hadassah Hospital, Israel agreed to the demilitarisation of Mount Scopus. Under the agreement, Israeli policemen supervised the major part of Mount Scopus, and until 1967 it remained an Israeli enclave surrounded by Jordanian-held territory.   7 July 1948 Agreement for the Demilitarisation of Mount Scopus Area   It is hereby jointly agreed that 1... read article

Joint Statement Israel-PA on Redeployment of Forces

20 occurrences in the article

Talks with the Palestinian Authority were resumed a few days after the Ramat Gan suicide bombing and were held in Taba. On 11 August the parties were able to announce an agreement on redeployment of forces. The following statement issued by Foreign Minister Peres and PA Chairman Arafat described the principles involved in the redeployment of forces. The details were left to the Interim Agreement. The Ramat Gan bombing naturally canceled the target date of 25 July for the completion of the Interim Agreement. In the following text, the letter P signifies the Palestinian position and the letter I the Israeli position... read article

Arab Summit decides to divert headwaters, Statement of the Council of the Kings and Heads of State of the Arab League Member Countries on its First Session

20 occurrences in the article

The first Arab summit conference, held in Cairo in January 1964, decided, among other things, on the diversion of the headwaters of the River Jordan. The plan itself was only hinted at in the final communiqué issued at the conclusion of the conference, but more details were revealed by the Secretary- General of the Arab League... read article

Larry Fine

20 occurrences in the article

Biography of Larry Fine, one of the Three Stooges... read article

Israel accepts the truce. Letter from Ambassador Eban to the Secretary-General (S/834)

20 occurrences in the article

Since the Security Council had passed Resolution 801 on 29 May, Count Bernadotte was busy trying to arrange the details of the truce. Israel insisted on a number of vital points, including the military status quo, the supplying of Jerusalem with food, free Jewish immigration, the lifting of the Egyptian naval blockade of Israel shores and a ban on the shipment of arms to the warring countries, After lengthy deliberations, the Government of Israel accepted the truce... read article

Myths & Facts
The United Nations

20 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding the United Nations and Israel... read article

Myths & Facts Online - Boundaries

20 occurrences in the article

“The creation of Israel in 1948 changed political and border arrangements between independent states that had existed for centuries.” “Israel has been an expansionist state since its creation.” “The West Bank is part of Jordan.” “Israel seized the Golan Heights in a war of aggression.” “The Golan has no strategic significance for Israel... read article

Letter from PA Chairman Arafat to Prime Minister Peres on PLO Covenant Amendment

19 occurrences in the article

One of the major bones of contention between Israel and the PLO were certain paragraphs in the 1964 (and later revisions) of the Palestinian National Covenant which in effect called for the destruction of the State of Israel. Arafat committed himself on a number of occasions to amend the covenant. These commitments were contained in the Oslo accords. Now Mr... read article

Remarks by President Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Oval Office

19 occurrences in the article

PM Barak and President Clinton met to discuss the peace process... read article

Statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Meir (August 4, 1970)

19 occurrences in the article

PM Meir explains Israel's reason for accepting the U.S.'s cease-fire and what it expects from this... read article

Attitude of the Parties on the Territorial Issue; Eighth Progress Report of the Palestine Conciliation Commission

19 occurrences in the article

In this report the Commission summarised the proposals submitted by the parties during negotiations with it between May 1949 and July 1950. Excerpts: On 21 May [1949], the Arab delegations proposed that refugees coming from certain areas defined on the map annexed to the Protocol of 12 May 1949, comprising those from Western Galilee, from the town of Jaffa, from the central area including Lydda, Ramle and read article

Fact Sheets: No Peace Without Compromise

19 occurrences in the article

The conflict Israel-Palestinians can be boiled down to the Zionists and Israelis willingness to compromise and Palestinians unwillingness to do so... read article

Geography of Israel: Jaffa

19 occurrences in the article

Article on the history and present of the city of Jaffa in Israel... read article

Myths & Facts U.S. Policy

19 occurrences in the article

Myths and facts regarding U.S. Middle East policy... read article